Reporting the financial performance of a range of entities (C 1.5)

IFRS 9 Impairment of Financial Assets

  1. Scope: Applies to most financial assets, excluding equity investments.
  2. Expected Credit Losses: Focuses on the present value of potential cash shortfalls.
  3. 12-Month vs. Lifetime ECL: Determined by whether there's been a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition.
  4. Significant Increase in Credit Risk: Assessed based on available information, considering factors like internal credit ratings.
  5. Low Credit Risk Assumption: If credit risk is low, it's assumed that there has been no significant increase.
  6. Trade Receivables, Contract Assets, Leases: A simplified approach allows for direct calculation of lifetime ECL.
  7. Impairment Loss Recognition:
    • Amortized Cost: Loss allowance reduces the net carrying amount.
    • FVOCI: Changes in ECL are recognized in profit or loss with an offsetting adjustment to OCI.
  8. Credit-Impaired at Initial Recognition: Changes in lifetime ECL are recognized directly in profit or loss.
  9. No Impairment for FVTPL: FVTPL already reflects credit risk.
  10. Objective: To provide a more forward-looking approach to credit risk accounting, recognizing potential losses earlier.
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